
Bid procedure titleBidding organizerDate publishedValid until
Announcement of sale № 3668903
Pork b \ k, n\k, pork offal. The production site of the BELGOROD REGION. The procedure is carried out in the mode of preliminary collection of bids on a competitive basis. The main time of the event is from 09-00 to 11-30 Moscow time with an extension of 2 minutes from the last bet made. Prices in the bid are indicated in rubles per unit of production, subject to pickup from the Belgorod region. The minimum rate change step is 0.5%. The conditions for the purchase of products in the Competitive bidding process are the buyer's bid equal to or higher than the minimum price announced by the seller and a place in the Competitive bidding process / volume of products ensuring entry into the guaranteed volume for those items the volume of which is declared by the seller. In the event that one of the conditions specified above is not fulfilled, the seller reserves the right to confirm the volume on the terms of the buyer, or to indicate its terms/prices. The purchase of products by the buyer by competitive bidding process (if two conditions are met) is mandatory for the buyer, as well as the sale is mandatory for the seller. The sale of products outside the competitive bidding process is possible if there is a free volume and at a cost higher than the competitive bidding process price by 3-5 rubles, depending on the type of product. Preliminary collection of bids. Shipment from the production site in BELGOROD REGION.
BELGORODSKII FILIAL "TAMBOVSKII BEKON" OOO16.05.2024 09:0116.05.2024 11:30 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Announcement of sale № 3668904
Pork b\k, n\K. coarsely lumpy cuts. The production site of the TAMBOV REGION. The procedure is carried out in the mode of preliminary collection of bids on a competitive basis. The main time of the event is from 09-00 to 11-30 Moscow time with an extension of 2 minutes from the last bet made. Prices in the bid are indicated in rubles per unit of production, subject to pickup from the Tambov region. The minimum rate change step is 0.5%. The conditions for purchasing products in the Competitive Bidding process are the buyer's bid equal to or higher than the minimum price announced by the seller and a place in the Competitive bidding process / volume of products ensuring entry into the guaranteed volume for those items the volume of which is declared by the seller. In the event that one of the conditions specified above is not fulfilled, the seller reserves the right to confirm the volume on the terms of the buyer, or to indicate its terms/prices. The purchase of products by the buyer by competitive bidding process (if two conditions are met) is mandatory for the buyer, as well as the sale is mandatory for the seller. The sale of products outside the competitive bidding process is possible if there is a free volume and at a cost higher than the competitive bidding process price by 3-5 rubles, depending on the type of product. Pork meat products, chilled, frozen. Shipment from the production site in TAMBOV.
BELGORODSKII FILIAL "TAMBOVSKII BEKON" OOO16.05.2024 09:0116.05.2024 11:48 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Announcement of sale № 3668905
Pork offal. The procedure is carried out in the mode of preliminary collection of bids on a competitive basis. The main time of the event is from 10-00 to 12-30 Moscow time with an extension of 2 minutes from the last bet made. Prices in the bid are indicated in rubles per unit of production, subject to pickup from the Tambov region. The minimum rate change step is 0.5%. The conditions for the purchase of products in the Competitive bidding process are the buyer's bid equal to or higher than the minimum price announced by the seller and a place in the Competitive bidding process / volume of products ensuring entry into the guaranteed volume for those items the volume of which is declared by the seller. In the event that one of the conditions specified above is not fulfilled, the seller reserves the right to confirm the volume on the terms of the buyer, or to indicate its terms/prices. The purchase of products by the buyer by competitive bidding process (if two conditions are met) is mandatory for the buyer, as well as the sale is mandatory for the seller. The sale of products outside the competitive bidding process is possible if there is a free volume and at a cost higher than the competitive bidding process price by 3-5 rubles, depending on the type of product. Pork offal, frozen, technical animal fat, feed flour of animal origin. Shipment from the production site in TAMBOV. The implementation period is from 05/20/2024 to 05/26/2024.
BELGORODSKII FILIAL "TAMBOVSKII BEKON" OOO16.05.2024 09:0116.05.2024 11:38 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Здания и сооружения (строительство)
Request for Proposals № 3669112
Execution of work to eliminate comments on the installation of KKZ wall panels (KM completion+panel replacement) at the facility of RUSAGRO-PRIMORYE LLC: "A complex for the production of 240 thousand tons of compound feed per year. Elevator for 120 thousand tons (PDA with elevator)"
ООО "Тамбовский бекон"
LLC Tambovsky Bacon16.05.2024 09:3823.05.2024 12:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Request for Proposals № 3669514
TSOBF01421 Called for Bidding doxycycline thermostable
ООО "Тамбовский бекон"
LLC Tambovsky Bacon16.05.2024 12:0223.05.2024 12:22 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Request for Proposals № 3669572
TBTB07299_TSOBF01430 Call for Bidding an antibiotic containing trackresan, nicotinic acid and excipients
ООО "Тамбовский бекон"
LLC Tambovsky Bacon16.05.2024 12:2723.05.2024 12:30 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Request for Proposals № 3669625
TSORP03219,3243 Call for Bidding disinfectants, detergents for MPP
ООО "Тамбовский бекон"
LLC Tambovsky Bacon16.05.2024 12:5324.05.2024 10:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Инженерные коммуникации (пар, газ, вода, канализация)
Request for Proposals № 3670267
Execution of works on the modernization of the case processing line as part of the replacement of the batch boiler (steam dryer) recycling plant.
ООО "Тамбовский бекон"
LLC Tambovsky Bacon16.05.2024 18:0505.06.2024 15:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Request for Proposals № 3671229
Pumping unit. 2 sq. m. DPJ TB 6732+7265 (Bodrova, Rybkina)
ООО "Тамбовский бекон"
LLC Tambovsky Bacon17.05.2024 14:0724.05.2024 15:50 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Здания и сооружения (строительство)
Request for Proposals № 3671325
Replacement of lag in farrowing machines by 11 PP: TSO Vyazovsky, TSO Savalsky, TSO Dubovskaya, TSO Elansky, TSO Alexandrovsky, TSO Pitimsky, PF Natalevskaya, TSO Duboshino, TSO Nozhkino, TSO Sadovy, TSO Ponzar price monitoring to select a potential contractor
ООО "Тамбовский бекон"
LLC Tambovsky Bacon17.05.2024 14:5224.05.2024 12:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Request for Proposals № 3671352
TSORP03208 Vaccine Call for Bidding June 2024- December 2024
ООО "Тамбовский бекон"
LLC Tambovsky Bacon17.05.2024 15:0328.05.2024 10:15 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Request for Proposals № 3671501
TSORP03211,3212 Call for Bidding antibacterial and hormonal drugs
ООО "Тамбовский бекон"
LLC Tambovsky Bacon17.05.2024 16:3528.05.2024 14:16 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Price monitoring request № 3666606
Provision of catering and catering services for Bidders of events
... Хумусом Мини-бургер со свининой и беконом Мини-бургер с котлеткой из рыбы ...
ChASTNOE UChREZhDENIE "NAUKA I INNOVATsII"14.05.2024 14:3220.05.2024 23:59 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Утилизация отходов, вывоз ТБО
Request for Proposals № 3663151
Provision of services for the collection and transportation of production and consumption waste generated at the production sites of Tambov Bacon LLC for the purpose of their further disposal, neutralization (TBTB07117)
Оказание услуг по сбору и транспортированию отходов производства и потребления, образующихся на производственных площадках ООО «Тамбовский бекон» с целью их дальнейшей утилизации, обезвреживания (ТБТБ07117)
LLC Tambovsky Bacon08.05.2024 11:1331.05.2024 12:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Корма и добавки
Request for Proposals № 3662323
The companies Tambov Bacon LLC and Rusagro-Primorye LLC conduct electronic competitive bidding processes on the website for the purchase of Amino Acids: Isoleucine (Mass fraction of isoleucine per natural moisture, %, not less than -95%)" in the amount of 80 tons for feed purposes. It is necessary to go to this website, register and take part in the competitive bidding process (registration and participation are free) Amino acids: Isoleucine (Mass fraction of isoleucine per natural moisture, %, not less than -95%)" in the amount of 80 tons for feed purposes. All quality indicators are indicated in the request (this document is attached)
Компании ООО "Тамбовский бекон" и ООО "Русагро-Приморье" проводят электронные торги на сайте на покупку Аминокислот: Изолейцин (Массовая доля изолейцина на натуральную влагу, %, не менее -95%)" в количестве 80 тонн для кормовых целей. Необходимо зайти на этот сайт, зарегистрироваться и принять участие в торгах (регистрация и участие бесплатное) Аминокислоты: Изолейцин (Массовая доля изолейцина на натуральную влагу, %, не менее -95%)" в количестве 80 тонн для кормовых целей. Все качественные показатели указаны в запросе (данный документ приложен)
LLC Tambovsky Bacon07.05.2024 15:4116.05.2024 16:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Здания и сооружения (строительство)
Request for Proposals № 3660647
Performance of work on replacement of lag (supports of slotted floors) of machine tools of rearing and farrowing buildings, at the production sites of Tambov Bacon LLC work on bids from the Customer
Выполнение работ по замене лаг (опор щелевых полов) станочного оборудования корпусов доращивания и опороса, на производственных площадках ООО «Тамбовский бекон» работа по заявкам от Заказчика
LLC Tambovsky Bacon06.05.2024 14:5315.05.2024 15:30 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Грузоподъемное оборудование и складская техника
Request for Quotations № 3662401
Monitoring of prices for the provision of maintenance services, organization of verification and repair of weighing facilities at the facilities of the Tambov Bacon LLC
Мониторинг цен на оказание услуг по техническому обслуживанию, организации поверки и ремонта весового хозяйства на объектах КПК ООО "Тамбовский бекон"
LLC Tambovsky Bacon07.05.2024 16:1314.05.2024 15:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Сельскохозяйственная техника
Request for Proposals № 3663130
Manufacture of gate unloaders and drive drum norii MGEL" for BF LLC Tambov bacon Mandatory site visit before submitting an bid
Изготовление шиберных разгрузителей и приводного барабана нории MGEL» для БФ ООО Тамбовский бекон Обязательное посещение объекта перед подачей заявки
LLC Tambovsky Bacon08.05.2024 10:5730.05.2024 13:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Здания и сооружения (строительство)
Request for Proposals № 3663218
Rendering of services for fire-retardant treatment of building structures of the roof of buildings and structures of the Tambov Bacon LLC On the site, specify the price for the entire scope of work Requirements Specification.
Оказание услуг на огнезащитную обработку строительных конструкций кровли зданий и сооружений БФ ООО «Тамбовский бекон» На площадке указать цену за весь объем работ ТЗ.
LLC Tambovsky Bacon08.05.2024 11:3630.05.2024 12:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Оборудование и средства связи
Request for Proposals № 3660006
Call for Bidding Communication Technometer Unit (TSORP03183 Shkuratova S.R.) CPC RAP
ООО "Тамбовский бекон"
LLC Tambovsky Bacon06.05.2024 09:5003.06.2024 15:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
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