Clarivate Analytics

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Basic products and services range

Generic Drugs and API Intelligence

Knowledge and unique competitor analysis of API manufacture, sourcing and lifecycle.

Drug Discovery and Development

Knowledge and analysis to support your R&D programs and guide your pipeline decisions from portfolio evaluation to launch.

Biological Research

The latest information, expert analysis and current opinion on genetics, biological and translational research, including biomarkers.

Chemical Research

Market and patent intelligence, API routes of synthesis, unique industry analysis and news on every stage of chemical development.

Clinical Trials Support

Essential data, regulatory intelligence and benchmarking knowledge to help you plan, populate, conduct and analyze your trials.

Business Development and Licensing

Comprehensive intelligence and analysis to identify in/out licensing of potential therapeutics, partnering opportunities and new commercial prospects.

Data Services

Cross-database searching, content integration, data analysis and customized information services.

Competitive Intelligence

Patent, pipeline and competitor knowledge to help you optimize your IP portfolio, monitor industry developments and make better decisions.

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