Tender No. 6138
Право заключения договора на выполнение работ по ремонту основных фондов Южной ТЭЦ (ТЭЦ-22) филиала «Невский»

Публичное акционерное общество "Территориальная генерирующая компания №1", 197198, Санкт-Петербург, пр. Добролюбова, д.16, корп.2, литер А, invites you to participate in a bidding procedure (tender).

Procurement subject:

The right to make a contract for repairing all the major funds of the South cogeneration plant (cogeneration plant -22) branch «Nevsky»

Lot #1. The repairs of deaerator at the point of 18,5 with organization of flashing of rows B-C / axe 5-12 (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #2. Redecoration of the hall of the first floor of common-ingeneering house (CIH) (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #3. Repairs of the internal wiring of sanitary engineering systems with their replacement for the metal-base laminate in the common-ingeneering house (CIH) (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #4. Repairs of internal and external walls,painting of crossover”s pillars between CIH and the main building (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #5. Repairs of glazing of cogeneration plant’s buildings (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #6. Repairs of flashing of roofing of ferroconcrete intake of power unit .№1 (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #7. Thorough repairs of reinforcement system of hot-water supply (HWS) (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #8. Refinement of heat-mechanic equipment of turbine section of the power unit .№ 1 from scurfs (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #9. Mid-life repair of the turbine Т-250/300-240 and turbine equipment of the power unit. st№2 (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #10. Reblading of the 13th and the 14th stages of the turbine Т-250/300-240 of the power unit st.№2 during the mid-life repair (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #11. Repairs of heat insulation of the turbine Т-250/300-240 and turbine equipment of the power unit. st№2- mid-life repair (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #12. Refinement of the heat-mechanic equipment of the turbine sector of the power unit st..№2 from scurfs during the mid-life repair (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #13. Repairs of the reinforcement of the turbine sector of the power unit st.№2 during the mid-life repair of the unit (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #14. Mid-life repair of the boiler TGMP-344А and boiler equipment of the power unit st..№2 (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #15. Repairs of heat insulation of the boiler TGMP-344А and boiler equipment of the power unit st.№2 - mid-life repair (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #16. Refinement of the heat-mechanic equipment of the boiler sector of the power unit st..№2 from scurfs during the mid-life repair (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #17. Thorough repairs of reinforcement of the boiler sector of the power unit st..№2 during the mid-life repair (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #18. Mid-life repair of generator TVV-320 of the power unit st.№2 (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #19. Repairs of the generator’s excitation system ТVV-320 of the power unit st.№2 during the mid-life repair (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #20. Repairs of impulsive lines, condensation and separation vessel , cable routings, secondary commutation, panels, consoles, assemblings of bolts, sensor stands, repairs of thermoelement in a hot well of the boiler and in turbounit,replacement of sensors, gadgets, replacement of executive devices on the power unit st.№2 during the mid-life repair (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #21. Refinement of heat-mechanic equipment of turbine section of the power unit st.№3 from scurfs (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #22. Repairs of heat insulation of common station equipment (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #23. Repairs of anticorrosive defence(ACD) of gas pipeline (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #24. Compressor repairs (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #25. Thorough repairs of common station equipment reinforcement

Lot #26. Repairs of crane runways (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #27. Repairs of metal construction of cable economy (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #28. Repairs of lighting of turbine sector in the blocks №1,2,3, block shields №1,2, relay hall of bl.№1, block shield of control of coastal pump,shield of water purifier, facilities of fuel-transport workshop (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #29. Thorough repairs of relay defence and automation (RDA), automatic machines of hot-water boiler (1-4), ventilators, feeders of lighting (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #30. Anticorrosive defence (ACD) of cable boxes on the platforms (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #31. Anticorrosive defence of piers of aerial high-voltage lines of blocks №2,3 (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #32. Repairs of tool set of expenses, level,pressure of heating unit, water treatment station,mazut economy, treatment facilities; hot-water boiler st. № 1 ;boiler of GM-50 kind st. № 2, 3 ; heating unit of power unit st. № 1 ; power unit st. № 1 ; power unit st. № 3 (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #33. Repairs of impulsive lines, condensation and separation vessel , cable routings, secondary commutation, panels, consoles, assemblings of bolts, sensor stands, repairs of thermoelement in a hot well of the boiler and in turbounit,replacement of sensors, gadgets, replacement of executive devices on common station equipment (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Lot #34. Replacement of heating surfaces of platen superheater (SSH) of the boiler TGMP-344А of the power unit st.№2 during the mid-life repair (Public joint-stock company «TGK-1»)

Publication date:
Competition is closed:13.04.2007 15:48
Supply date:01.04.2007 - 30.12.2007
Contact person:Bashushkova Kristina Anatol'evna
Tender committee:Ответственный секретарь конкурсной комиссии Башушкова Кристина Анатольевна, тел. (812) 571-74-86, адрес: 191186, Санкт-Петербург, Марсово поле, дом 1
Requirements to the participants:В конкурсе могут принять участие юридические лица, удовлетворяющие следующим требованиям:
•обладающие гражданской правоспособностью для заключения договора;
•имеющие устойчивое финансовое положение, не находящиеся в процессе банкротства и (или) в процессе ликвидации;
•на имущество участника в части, существенной для исполнения договора, не должен быть наложен арест;
•исполняющие свои обязательства по уплате налогов и обязательных платежей;
•обладающие всеми необходимыми для выполнения договора лицензиями, видами ресурсов, компетентностью, квалификацией;
•требованиям, указанным в конкурсной документации.
Documentation kit:может быть получен любыми Участниками после того, как они подтвердят свое намерение участвовать в проводимом конкурсе через функционал электронной торговой площадки «b2b-energo»
Bid securities (except for bank guarantees):не предусмотрено
Tender bids:Конкурсные заявки должны быть заполнены разборчиво, на русском языке в соответствии с требованиями Конкурсной документации, и доставлены:
1) в "электронный сейф" Системы b2b-energo;
2) в запечатанных конвертах Организатору конкурса по адресу: 191186, Санкт-Петербург, Марсово Поле, д.1, комн. 366, отдел организации конкурсов.

На лицевой стороне конверта следует указать:
1.Название и номер конкурса;
3.Доставить в отдел организации конкурсов не позднее 15-00 (моск.) 05.03.2007 г.

ВНИМАНИЕ! Конкурсные предложения высланные почтой или курьером допускаются к конкурсу, только при наличии аналогичного конкурсного предложения в электронной форме на торговой площадке B2B-energo.
Опоздание конвертов с конкурсными предложениями без уведомления Организатора дает ему право не принимать к рассмотрению предложения в электронной форме.
Bid opening place:состоится по адресу: 191186, Санкт-Петербург, Марсово поле, д.1.
Bid submission deadline:Bid opening accomplished 05.03.2007 at 15:00 MSK.
Contract award criteria and Contract execution term:Победителем конкурса будет признан Участник, предложивший наилучшие условия в соответствии с Конкурсной документацией. Договор с Победителем конкурса будет подписан в течение 20 дней после подписания протокола о результатах конкурса.
Starting purchase price:не объявляется
Rebidding (price regulation):Organizer may exercise the right to hold a rebidding.
Additional information:Организатор конкурса оставляет за собой право отказаться от проведения конкурса без каких - либо для себя последствий не позднее 3-х дней до даты вскрытия конвертов.
Контактное лицо по техническим вопросам - Сергеев Андрей Юрьевич – главный инженер ТЭЦ-22; (812) 494-34-31, 772-03-13
Georeferencing:191186, Санкт-Петербург, Марсово поле, 1
Last edited:31.01.2007 15:42

Applicants to the tender (total 34, of which the bids came from 18)

CompanyInvolvedStatusDocumentation kit fileCompetitive bid
АО "Спецремэнерго"
31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 09.02.07 am28 11:55Sent 09.02.07 am28 11:55Received on 28.02.07 pm28 15:23
АО "ФИРМА ЭНЕРГОЗАЩИТА"31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 01.02.07 am28 08:51Sent 01.02.07 am28 08:51Received on 02.03.07 pm31 12:03
ЗАО "ГЭСК"31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 01.02.07 am28 10:08Sent 01.02.07 am28 10:08Received on 22.02.07 am28 09:59
31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 01.03.07 am31 09:33Sent 01.03.07 am31 09:33Received on 05.03.07 am31 11:43
ЗАО "РСУ-103"31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 28.02.07 pm28 13:09Sent 28.02.07 pm28 13:09Received on 28.02.07 pm28 15:55
ЗАО "Теплоизоляция"31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 02.02.07 pm28 13:34Sent 02.02.07 pm28 13:34Received on 05.03.07 pm31 14:56
ЗАО "Трест СЗЭМ"31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 27.02.07 am28 10:33Sent 27.02.07 am28 10:33Received on 05.03.07 pm31 14:03
ЗАО "ЭНЭКОС"31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 05.02.07 pm28 12:05Sent 05.02.07 pm28 12:05Received on 02.03.07 pm31 18:24
ОАО "Е4-Севзапэнергосервис"31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 02.02.07 am28 08:47Sent 02.02.07 am28 08:47Received on 27.02.07 pm28 14:47
ОАО "Завод Котлоочистка"
31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 01.02.07 am28 08:42Sent 01.02.07 am28 08:42Received on 05.03.07 pm31 13:58
ООО "Гидротехнические работы"31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 03.03.07 am31 11:43Sent 03.03.07 am31 11:43Received on 05.03.07 pm31 13:52
ООО "Изотерм"31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 07.02.07 pm28 13:53Sent 07.02.07 pm28 13:53Received on 02.03.07 pm31 13:51
ООО "ПРАЙД ПЛЮС"31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 31.01.07 pm31 16:20Sent 31.01.07 pm31 16:20Received on 02.03.07 am31 10:55
ООО "ПромТальМонтаж"31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 12.02.07 pm28 13:24Sent 12.02.07 pm28 13:24Received on 01.03.07 pm31 14:13
ООО "ЭНЕРГОИНЖИНИРИНГ"31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 13.02.07 am28 10:00Sent 13.02.07 am28 10:00Received on 28.02.07 pm28 14:03
31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 27.02.07 am28 10:55Sent 27.02.07 am28 10:55Received on 28.02.07 pm28 12:47
31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 20.02.07 pm28 17:04Sent 20.02.07 pm28 17:04Received on 28.02.07 pm28 16:15
31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 01.02.07 pm28 16:27Sent 01.02.07 pm28 16:27Received on 01.03.07 pm31 12:40
АО "КОРТА"31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 01.02.07 am28 10:57Sent 01.02.07 am28 10:57N/A
АО "УКЗ"31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 01.02.07 am28 07:53Sent 01.02.07 am28 07:53N/A
АО "Энергокомплект" (г. Санкт - Петербург)
31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 02.02.07 am28 11:54Sent 02.02.07 am28 11:54N/A
АО "Энергопром"
31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 01.02.07 am28 06:39Sent 01.02.07 am28 06:39N/A
ЗАО "Энергомаш"(г.Екатеринбург)31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 05.02.07 am28 08:46Sent 05.02.07 am28 08:46N/A
ЗАО ПКФ "Проммет"
31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 01.02.07 am28 10:13Sent 01.02.07 am28 10:13N/A
ОАО "ЭМК" "ЭМ Волгоэнергоремонт" (г. Энгельс)31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 01.02.07 am28 09:14Sent 01.02.07 am28 09:14N/A
ООО "Волгаремстрой"31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 01.02.07 am28 07:58Sent 01.02.07 am28 07:58N/A
ООО "Высота"
31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 01.02.07 pm28 12:30Sent 01.02.07 pm28 12:30N/A
ООО "Каскад" (г. Волгоград)31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 03.02.07 am28 10:40Sent 03.02.07 am28 10:40N/A
31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 01.02.07 pm28 14:05Sent 01.02.07 pm28 14:05N/A
ООО "СЭТ Техника"31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 02.02.07 am28 11:21Sent 02.02.07 am28 11:21N/A
ООО "Энергодинамика МА"31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 31.01.07 pm31 16:07Sent 31.01.07 pm31 16:07N/A
ООО НПО "БЗКО"31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 01.02.07 am28 05:53Sent 01.02.07 am28 05:53N/A
ООО ПК "Техэнергомаш"
31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 31.01.07 pm31 19:32Sent 31.01.07 pm31 19:32N/A
ПАО "Пермэнергосбыт"31.01.07 pm31 15:47Involved on 01.02.07 am28 06:51Sent 01.02.07 am28 06:51N/A

Extract from the Protocol of the competitive commission № 94/2 from 21.03.2007 г., СПб, Марсово поле, д.1

Decision of the competitive commission:

  1. For Lot No. 1 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier АО "Спецремэнерго" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 708 000,00 RUB (VAT free).
  2. For Lot No. 2 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "ПРАЙД ПЛЮС" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 705 925,41 RUB (VAT free).
  3. For Lot No. 3 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "ПРАЙД ПЛЮС" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 350 747,44 RUB (VAT free).
  4. For Lot No. 4 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier АО "Спецремэнерго" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 2 360 000,00 RUB (VAT free).
  5. For Lot No. 5 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier АО "Спецремэнерго" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 354 000,00 RUB (VAT free).
  6. For Lot No. 6 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier АО "Спецремэнерго" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 590 000,00 RUB (VAT free).
  7. For Lot No. 7 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "ЭНРЕС" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 590 000,00 RUB (VAT free).
  8. For Lot No. 8 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ОАО "Завод Котлоочистка" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 652 102,69 RUB (VAT free).
  9. For Lot No. 9 Declare bidding void
  10. For Lot No. 10 Declare bidding void
  11. For Lot No. 11 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "ПРАЙД ПЛЮС" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 1 734 949,28 RUB (VAT free).
  12. For Lot No. 12 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ЗАО "ЭНЭКОС" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 732 373,80 RUB (VAT free).
  13. For Lot No. 13 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "ЭНРЕС" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 590 000,00 RUB (VAT free).
  14. For Lot No. 14 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО"ЛЭР-ТУРБО" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 4 130 000,00 RUB (VAT free).
  15. For Lot No. 15 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "ПРАЙД ПЛЮС" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 1 136 350,62 RUB (VAT free).
  16. For Lot No. 16 Declare bidding void
  17. For Lot No. 17 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "ЭНРЕС" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 590 000,00 RUB (VAT free).
  18. For Lot No. 18 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО"ЛЭР-ТУРБО" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 1 180 000,00 RUB (VAT free).
  19. For Lot No. 19 Declare bidding void
  20. For Lot No. 20 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ЗАО "ИНТЕХ" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 531 000,00 RUB (VAT free).
  21. For Lot No. 21 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ОАО "Завод Котлоочистка" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 698 172,54 RUB (VAT free).
  22. For Lot No. 22 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "ПРАЙД ПЛЮС" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 1 139 811,56 RUB (VAT free).
  23. For Lot No. 23 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier АО "Спецремэнерго" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 590 000,00 RUB (VAT free).
  24. For Lot No. 24 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "ЭНРЕС" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 497 960,00 RUB (VAT free).
  25. For Lot No. 25 the Customer shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "ЭНРЕС" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 1 770 000,00 RUB (VAT free).
  26. For Lot No. 26 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "ПромТальМонтаж" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 649 000,00 RUB (VAT free).
  27. For Lot No. 27 Declare bidding void
  28. For Lot No. 28 Declare bidding void
  29. For Lot No. 29 Declare bidding void
  30. For Lot No. 30 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier АО "Спецремэнерго" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 590 000,00 RUB (VAT free).
  31. For Lot No. 31 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier АО "Спецремэнерго" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 590 000,00 RUB (VAT free).
  32. For Lot No. 32 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "ЭНЕРГОИНЖИНИРИНГ" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 1 715 130,00 RUB (VAT free).
  33. For Lot No. 33 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ЗАО "ИНТЕХ" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 1 180 000,00 RUB (VAT free).
  34. For Lot No. 34 the Customer ОАО «ТГК-1» shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО"ЛЭР-ТУРБО" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 1 180 000,00 RUB (VAT free).