EF Pipeline Engineering GmbH

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EF Pipeline Engineering GmbH is a company dedicated to Oil and Gas EPC. Its team long experiences in this market with the association of dynamic companies can deliver high quality, latest technology engineering, competitive highest standard equipment from the wellhead fields to transport pipeline to refinery.

Our experiences include equipment for refinery, platform, pump station, flares, safety. With prestigious company support we can deliver from a whole refinery project, an LNG processing plant to various special equipment

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Basic products and services range

Flares & Burner Systems
Fully integrated Fire and safety systems
Pressure vessels & heat exchangers
Columns and Reactors
Steam generators
Diesel & Gas Generators
Filtration systems
Pig launchers & receivers
Oil & Gas dehydration, sweeteners
Valves & Fittings
Subsea structures
Pipe racks & skids

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