Seller's auction No. 2415772 
Gasoline tank, Building - DCS, Building (in terms of the area occupied by the DCS) Filling station building, 1st floor total area 1 598.5 sq. m., lit. B-1, B-2, B-3, Electric workshop building, non-residential purpose, 3-storey, total area...

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OKPD2 category:  Здания нежилые, не включенные в другие группировки
Quantity:1 шт.
Unit price of goods (services) in the lot:35 848 000,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Starting price of whole lot:35 848 000,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Contract award criteria:price excl. of VAT (show both prices)
Date of commencement of registration:
Auction start date:19.08.2020 17:50
Ending date of tenders:19.08.2020 17:50
Last edited:18.08.2020 16:29
Bidding cancellation date:22.09.2020 12:53
Organizer (Initiator):"PRIMORSKAIa SOIa" OOO
Additional info
Bid security is required:Bidding organizer requires the participants to provide security payment
Обеспечительный платеж:Amount of security: 5,00 %
Blocked period: 30 days
If within the last 10 minutes of bid submission period a new bid is submitted, then bid submission deadline will automatically be extended by 10 minutes from the time the last bid is submitted.
10 minutes
Payment terms:100% prepayment within 3 (three) working days from the date of signing the Agreement
Location of the lot and delivery terms:Ussuriysk, st. Volochaevskaya, 120
Georeferencing:692500, Россия, Приморский край, г. Уссурийск, ул. Волочаевская, д. 120
Venue of bidding:This call for bids is held in electronic form on the e-marketplace of B2B-Center group ( Bids shall be submitted in the form of e-document.

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Participation in bidding is no longer possible. You may wish to check similar calls for bids currently available
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Price according to the results of the bidding:35 848 000,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Status of auction:завершен.
Starting price of whole lot: 35 848 000,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Pitch of auction:358 480,00 RUB

Organizer has decided to cancel the call for bids.
Call for bids cancellation date: 22.09.2020 at 12:53.
call for bids cancellation reason:

Определение Арбитражного суда Приморского края от
12.08.2020 года о запрете проведения электронных
открытых торгов

Total bids: 0