Lot No. 4 Pre-qualification of bidders № 3211394
Delivery of dangerous goods across the Russian Federation with and without maintaining the temperature regime

Delivery of dangerous goods across the Russian Federation with and without maintaining the temperature regime

OKPD2 category:
49.41  Услуги по грузовым перевозкам автомобильным транспортом
Условия оплаты:-
Условия поставки:-
Georeferencing:115114, Russia, Moscow, ext.ter.g. Danilovsky municipal district, Kozhevnicheskaya str., 14, p. 5, floor 3, room. 17
Venue of bidding:This call for bids is held in electronic form on the e-marketplace of B2B-Center group (www.b2b-center.ru). Bids shall be submitted in the form of e-document.

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