Request for Proposals No. 3614578 
Products according to OEMK drawings Delivery until 06/04/2024

No.NameЗакупщикНаименование позицииQuantityUnit of measurePer unit price
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Total limit price
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1Болт 14-ДМ-13.01.22-003 ОЭМКBolt mesto ustanovki konsoli elektroderzhatelei po chertezhu№14-DM-13.01.22-003 OEMK12ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified2
2Гайка 11-ДМ-2311.03 ОЭМКGaika mesto ustanovki nasos magistral'nyi po chertezhu №11-DM-2311.03 OEMK2ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified2
3Гайка ОЭМКGaika dlia pechi otzhiga po chertezhu № OEMK4ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified2
4Шайба нажимная 14-3.2-1664 ОЭМКShaiba nazhimnaia pechi dugovoi staleplavil'noi po chertezhu №14-3.2-1664 OEMK1ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified3