Price monitoring request No. 1146441 
Supply of cranes, valves and gates according to specification

No.NameScheduled delivery dateDelivery start dateDestination countryDelivery regionOKTMO CodeQuantityUnit of measureNumber of bidders
81valve 14nzh17st19 DU40R1 under welding medium liquid and gaseous 350C 46 х3 type Razd C-22-1 Tu 3742-001-57849850-2010 4 n III T115.05.201901.05.2019RU650000002ШТ1
82valve 14nzh17st19 dou50 ru10 under welding medium aggressive liquid and gaseous 350C without components that 26-07-382 4 n III QA4 II ukh315.05.201901.05.2019RU650000002ШТ1
83valve in 26161-080-06 80-10 under welding medium liquid and gaseous 350C without components tu 3742-001-57849850-2010 4 n III QA4II315.05.201901.05.2019RU650000004ШТ1
84valve 15h 75 p1 50 R1 Flange Medium aggressive liquid and gaseous 60C without components that 26-07-1458-88 4 n III QA4 II ukh315.05.201901.05.2019RU650000005ШТ1
85valve 15kch18п du 32 ru16 clutch water, steam 225C without components that 26-07-1429 4 n III QA4 II ukh315.05.201901.05.2019RU650000005ШТ1
86valve 15h 75 p1m du 32 10 flange liquid and gaseous corrosive environments 150C without components Tu 3700-003-92853012-2012 4 n III15.05.201901.05.2019RU650000005ШТ1
87valve 15k18p DOU25 RUM16 clutch water, steam 225C without components tu 14,309,190,005 4 n III QA4 II ukh315.05.201901.05.2019RU650000005ШТ1
88Valve 15h 75 P1 of the 25-inch flange liquid, gas 130C without components tu 26-07-1458 4 n III QA4 II ukh315.05.201901.05.2019RU650000005ШТ1
89Crane 11b27p1 dou25 rum16 clutch water, steam, non-aggressive liquids 150C without components that 3712-002-04606952-0315.05.201901.05.2019RU6500000030ШТ1
90Shut-off valve bellows with 26410-015 m 15 RU 200 under welding medium aggressive liquid and gaseous 200C without components tu 26-07-39115.05.201901.05.2019RU6500000012ШТ1
91valve 15X18P1 of 15, 16 clutch water, steam 225C without components that 26-07-142915.05.201901.05.2019RU6500000015ШТ1
92Shut-off valve 15b3r du15 ru10 clutch water 70C tu 3712-001-04606952-2011 4 n III15.05.201901.05.2019RU6500000010ШТ1
93bellows valve with 26410-010 m 2viia dou10 r20mpa 200 °c ukh4 tu 26-07-391-200815.05.201901.05.2019RU6500000010ШТ1
94Shut-off valve 15 KCH18P1 20-16 clutch water steam 200 C tu 26-07-1429-8715.05.201901.05.2019RU6500000010ШТ1
95shutter rotary AA 2.511.1425-PP Matkorp = cast iron high strength DN = 80 P = 1.0 MPa Rabr = Water medium aggressive Trabr = 40 ° C sposprisoed = Flange Sposuol = Drive Hand-held germanium = A u 4 tu 3721-028-35491454-06 reinforcement15.05.201901.05.2019RU650000001ШТ1
96valve 15KCH 76 p2m du80ru 6.3 flange water, acids, solutions, petroleum products 110C without components that 26-07-1458-88 4 n I15.05.201901.05.2019RU650000002ШТ1
97shut-off valve 15h 74 N DN = 25 p = 16kgf/cm ^ 2 Matkorp = Cast iron Grey RABSR = gases liquid medium aggressive TRABR =-15... 125 ° С sposprisoed = Flange Sposuol = Drive Manual 4 n III QA4 3 tu 26-07-1458-8815.05.201901.05.2019RU650000005ШТ1
98shut-off valve 15h 74 P2 DN = 15 P = 16kgs/cm ^ 2 Matkorp = Cast iron Grey RABSR = gases liquid medium aggressive TRABR =-15... 125 ° С sposprisoed = Flange Sposuol = Drive manual 4 n III tu 26-07-1458-8815.05.201901.05.2019RU650000002ШТ1
99valve 15B3R1 Dou20 10 clutch water 70C without components tu 26-07-1392 4 III15.05.201901.05.2019RU650000005ШТ1
100shutter rotary AA 7.507.1425-ZZ Matkorp = cast iron high strength DN = 32 P = 1.0 MPa RABSR = Water medium aggressive Trabr = 40 ° C sposprisoed = Flange Sposuol = Electric Actuator germanium = A 4 n III u 4 tu 3721-028-35491454-06 reinforcement15.05.201901.05.2019RU650000001ШТ1

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