Tender No. 40806
Право на заключение Договоров на оказание услуг межевания, государственного кадастрового учета и землеустройства охранных зон ВЛ/ПС для нужд ОАО «МРСК Центра» (филиалов «Белгородэнерго», «Брянскэнерго», «Воронежэнерго», «Костромаэнерго»,...

ПУБЛИЧНОЕ АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО "МЕЖРЕГИОНАЛЬНАЯ РАСПРЕДЕЛИТЕЛЬНАЯ СЕТЕВАЯ КОМПАНИЯ ЦЕНТРА", 119017, Россия, г. Москва, ул. Малая Ордынка, д. 15, invites you to participate in a bidding procedure (tender).

Procurement subject:

The right to enter into Agreements for land survey, state cadastral registration and land management of guard zones, for the needs of Belgorodenergo, Bryanskenergo, Voronezhenergo, Kostromaenergo, Kurskenergo, Lipetskenergo, Oryolenergo, Smolenskenergo, Tambovenergo, Tverenergo and Yarenergo, the branches of OAO IDGC of Center, according to the lots:

Lot #1. Provision of services for the description of the location of the boundaries of guarded areas of transmission facilities and including information about them in the state real estate cadastre, for the needs of Belgorodenergo, a branch of OAO IDGC of Center.

Lot #2. Provision of services for the description of the location of the boundaries of guarded areas of transmission facilities and including information about them in the state real estate cadastre, for the needs of Bryanskenergo, a branch of OAO IDGC of Center.

Lot #3. Provision of services for the description of the location of the boundaries of guarded areas of transmission facilities and including information about them in the state real estate cadastre, for the needs of Voronezhenergo, a branch of OAO IDGC of Center.

Lot #4. Provision of services for the land survey of sections under communications and utilities lines for their cadastral registration, as well as description of the information of the boundaries of overhead lines guard zones and including information about them in the state real estate cadastre, for the needs of Kostromaenergo, a branch of OAO IDGC of Center.

Lot #5. Provision of services for the land survey of sections under communications and utilities lines for their cadastral registration, as well as description of the information of the boundaries of overhead lines guard zones and including information about them in the state real estate cadastre, for the needs of Kurskenergo, a branch of OAO IDGC of Center.

Lot #6. Provision of services for the description of the location of the boundaries of guarded areas of transmission facilities and including information about them in the state real estate cadastre, for the needs of Lipetskenergo, a branch of OAO IDGC of Center.

Lot #7. Provision of services for the description of the location of the boundaries of guarded areas of transmission facilities and including information about them in the state real estate cadastre, for the needs of Lipetskenergo, a branch of OAO IDGC of Center.

Lot #8. Provision of services for the land survey of sections under communications and utilities lines for their cadastral registration, as well as description of the information of the boundaries of overhead lines guard zones and including information about them in the state real estate cadastre, for the needs of Orelenergo, a branch of OAO IDGC of Center.

Lot #9. Provision of services for the land survey of sections under communications and utilities lines for their cadastral registration, as well as description of the information of the boundaries of overhead lines guard zones and including information about them in the state real estate cadastre, for the needs of Orelenergo, a branch of OAO IDGC of Center.

Lot #10. Provision of services for the description of the location of the boundaries of guarded areas of transmission facilities and including information about them in the state real estate cadastre, for the needs of Smolenskenergo, a branch of OAO IDGC of Center.

Lot #11. Provision of services for the description of the location of the boundaries of guarded areas of transmission facilities and including information about them in the state real estate cadastre, for the needs of Tverenergo, a branch of OAO IDGC of Center.

Lot #12. Provision of services for the description of the location of the boundaries of guarded areas of transmission facilities and including information about them in the state real estate cadastre, for the needs of Yarenergo, a branch of OAO IDGC of Center.

Lot #13. Provision of services for the description of the location of the boundaries of guarded areas of transmission facilities and including information about them in the state real estate cadastre, for the needs of Yarenergo, a branch of OAO IDGC of Center.

Publication date:
Competition is closed:11.09.2014 15:00
Supply date:11.08.2014 - 10.08.2015
- по лотам № 1-3, 6-7, 10-13: в течение 8 месяцев с момента заключения Договора (ориентировочно с 11.08.2014г. по 10.04.2015г.); - по лотам № 4, 5, 8, 9: в течение 12 месяцев с момента заключения Договора (ориентировочно с 11.08.2014г. по 10.08.2015г.)
Customer's postal address:127018,Россия, г. Москва, ул. 2-я Ямская, д.4
Customer's location:127018,Россия, г. Москва, ул. 2-я Ямская, д.4
Contact person:Moskot Sergei Nikolaevich (inactive), tel.+7 (4722) 28-30-50, Moskot.SN@mrsk-1.ru
Tender committee:назначена распоряжением и.о. заместителя генерального директора по логистике и материально-техническому обеспечению ОАО «МРСК Центра». Лазарева Т.В. – Ответственный секретарь конкурсной комиссии – ведущий специалист Управления организации регламентированных закупок Департамента по конкурентной политике и закупочной деятельности ОАО «МРСК Центра», контактные телефоны: (495) 747-92-92 (доб. 3123).
Requirements to the participants:Участником конкурса может быть любой Исполнитель. Претендовать на победу в данном конкурсе может Участник, отвечающий следующим требованиям:
• должен обладать необходимыми профессиональными знаниями и опытом, иметь ресурсные возможности, управленческой компетентностью, опытом и репутацией;
• должен обладать гражданской правоспособностью в полном объеме для заключения и исполнения Договора;
Более подробно требования к Участникам, а также требования к порядку подтверждения соответствия этим требованиям, содержатся в конкурсной документации.
Documentation kit:Время получения конкурсной документации для ознакомления: по рабочим дням с 9.00 до 17.00 часов по московскому времени.
Ознакомиться с конкурсной документацией можно по адресу: РФ, 127018, г. Москва, ул. 2-я Ямская, дом 4, каб. №303.
Конкурсная документация будет предоставлена на русском языке.
Documentation kit file:
Tender documentation submission procedure:Tender documentation can be submitted electronically and free-of-charge at www.b2b-center.ru once the purchase has been placed.
Bid securities (except for bank guarantees):в форме неустойки в размере не менее 2% (два процента), от суммы подаваемой заявки, в рублях РФ (с НДС)
Tender bids:Все документы, входящие в конкурсную заявку, должны быть подготовлены на русском языке за исключением нижеследующего.
Документы, оригиналы которых выданы Исполнителю третьими лицами на ином языке, могут быть представлены на языке оригинала при условии, что к ним приложен перевод этих документов на русский язык (в специально оговоренных случаях — апостилированный). При выявлении расхождений между русским переводом и оригиналом документа на ином языке Организатор конкурса будет принимать решение на основании перевода. Организатор конкурса вправе не рассматривать документы, не переведенные на русский язык.
Contract award criteria:price excl. of VAT
Bid opening place:Вскрытие конвертов с заявками состоится на сайте системы электронных торгов группы B2B-Center (www.b2b-center.ru).
Bid submission deadline:Bid opening accomplished 03.07.2014 at 12:00 MSK.
Bids evaluation date:30.07.2014 12:00
Bids evaluation place:127018,Россия, г. Москва, ул. 2-я Ямская, д.4
Date and time of results announcement:30.07.2014 12:00
Place of review of bidding results:127018,Россия, г. Москва, ул. 2-я Ямская, д.4
Contract award criteria and Contract execution term:В рамках оценочной стадии Конкурсная комиссия оценивает и сопоставляет конкурсные заявки и проводит их предварительное ранжирование по степени предпочтительности для Заказчика в соответствии с утвержденным Регламентом Конкурсной комиссии исходя из критериев, указанных в Приложении №16 (Матрице оценки предложений) к конкурсной документации.
Конкурсная комиссия на своем заседании определяет Победителя конкурса, как Исполнителя, конкурсная заявка которого заняла первое место в ранжировке конкурсных заявок, по степени предпочтительности для Заказчика.
Договоры по результатам конкурса между Заказчиком и Исполнителя, будет заключен в течение 20 (двадцати) рабочих дней на основании Протокола о результатах конкурса, подписанного этим Исполнителем и Заказчиком конкурса.
Starting purchase price:Lot No. 1. 20 000 000,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Lot No. 2. 13 146 000,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Lot No. 3. 30 346 000,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Lot No. 4. 20 082 000,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Lot No. 5. 25 926 000,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Lot No. 6. 14 910 000,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Lot No. 7. 15 953 000,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Lot No. 8. 5 894 174,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Lot No. 9. 5 874 826,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Lot No. 10. 10 000 000,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Lot No. 11. 20 000 000,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Lot No. 12. 15 434 000,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Lot No. 13. 15 434 000,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Rebidding (price regulation):Organizer may exercise the right to hold a rebidding.
Additional information:1) Организатор конкурса вправе отказаться от его проведения в любое время до выбора Победителя, не неся никакой ответственности перед Исполнителями или третьими лицами, которым такое действие может принести убытки.
2) Источник финансирования: собственные средства Заказчика
Georeferencing:119017, Россия, г. Москва, ул. Малая Ордынка, д. 15
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Last edited:18.06.2014 11:12
E-signature info:Signed with e-signature
Results reports:
  Obtain bank guarantee

Applicants to the tender (total 40, of which the bids came from 36)

CompanyInvolvedStatusDocumentation kit fileCompetitive bid
АО "Воронежское АГП"09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 01.07.14 pm31 14:21Sent 01.07.14 pm31 14:21Received on 01.07.14 pm31 17:10 (Lots No. 1, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 12, No. 13)
Signed with digital signature
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 03.07.14 am31 08:52Sent 03.07.14 am31 08:52Received on 03.07.14 am31 09:22 (Lot No. 2)
Signed with digital signature
АО «Сев.-Кав. АГП»09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 02.07.14 pm31 17:11Sent 02.07.14 pm31 17:11Received on 03.07.14 am31 09:41 (Lots No. 3, No. 6, No. 7)
Signed with digital signature
БУ ОО "МР БТИ"09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 02.07.14 pm31 15:59Sent 02.07.14 pm31 15:59Received on 02.07.14 pm31 17:03 (Lots No. 2, No. 5, No. 8, No. 9)
Signed with digital signature
ЗАО "Горный Инженер"09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 19.06.14 am30 10:09Sent 19.06.14 am30 10:09Received on 20.06.14 pm30 13:00 (Lots No. 4, No. 5, No. 8, No. 9)
Signed with digital signature
ЗАО "Липецкгипрозем"09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 01.07.14 am31 11:15Sent 01.07.14 am31 11:15Received on 02.07.14 pm31 17:42 (Lots No. 6, No. 7)
Signed with digital signature
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 25.06.14 am30 11:14Sent 25.06.14 am30 11:14Received on 25.06.14 pm30 14:45 (Lots No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10, No. 11, No. 12, No. 13)
Signed with digital signature
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 02.07.14 pm31 12:10Sent 02.07.14 pm31 12:10Received on 02.07.14 pm31 16:45 (Lots No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10, No. 11, No. 12, No. 13)
Signed with digital signature
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 25.06.14 pm30 16:25Sent 25.06.14 pm30 16:25Received on 03.07.14 am31 10:04 (Lots No. 4, No. 5, No. 10, No. 11, No. 13)
Signed with digital signature
ООО "Волземресурс"
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 11.06.14 pm30 15:43Sent 11.06.14 pm30 15:43,
last at 18.06.14 am30 11:13
Received on 03.07.14 am31 11:03 (Lots No. 10, No. 11, No. 12, No. 13)
Signed with digital signature
ООО "ГвинГрейс"
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 27.06.14 pm30 14:43Sent 27.06.14 pm30 14:43Received on 03.07.14 am31 11:33 (Lots No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10, No. 11, No. 12, No. 13)
Signed with digital signature
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 29.06.14 pm30 14:10Sent 29.06.14 pm30 14:10Received on 03.07.14 am31 09:59 (Lots No. 4, No. 5, No. 8, No. 9)
Signed with digital signature
ООО "Геоком"
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 02.07.14 pm31 15:48Sent 02.07.14 pm31 15:48Received on 03.07.14 am31 09:20 (Lots No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10, No. 11, No. 12, No. 13)
Signed with digital signature
ООО "ГеоМенеджер"
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 02.07.14 pm31 13:22Sent 02.07.14 pm31 13:22Received on 02.07.14 pm31 17:37 (Lots No. 2, No. 11)
Signed with digital signature
ООО "ГеоПлюс"
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 02.07.14 pm31 12:43Sent 02.07.14 pm31 12:43Received on 03.07.14 pm31 12:00 (Lots No. 6, No. 7, No. 12, No. 13)
Signed with digital signature
ООО "Градстрой"09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 11.06.14 am30 11:54Sent 11.06.14 am30 11:54,
last at 18.06.14 am30 11:13
Received on 02.07.14 pm31 18:25 (Lots No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 6, No. 7, No. 10, No. 11, No. 12, No. 13)
Signed with digital signature
ООО "Инбитек-Телеком"
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 25.06.14 pm30 14:38Sent 25.06.14 pm30 14:38Received on 03.07.14 am31 10:33 (Lots No. 4, No. 12, No. 13)
Signed with digital signature
ООО "Кадастровый центр"
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 19.06.14 pm30 14:02Sent 19.06.14 pm30 14:02Received on 03.07.14 am31 11:31 (Lots No. 4, No. 5, No. 8, No. 9)
Signed with digital signature
ООО "Лаир"
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 25.06.14 am30 10:23Sent 25.06.14 am30 10:23Received on 02.07.14 pm31 21:57 (Lot No. 11)
Signed with digital signature
ООО "Меридиан"09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 27.06.14 am30 09:16Sent 27.06.14 am30 09:16Received on 02.07.14 pm31 14:52 (Lots No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10, No. 11, No. 12, No. 13)
Signed with digital signature
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 20.06.14 am30 11:02Sent 20.06.14 am30 11:02Received on 02.07.14 pm31 15:34 (Lots No. 1, No. 6, No. 7)
Signed with digital signature
ООО "НПП "Инженер"
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 11.06.14 pm30 15:35Sent 11.06.14 pm30 15:35,
last at 18.06.14 am30 11:13
Received on 03.07.14 am31 10:45 (Lots No. 4, No. 12, No. 13)
Signed with digital signature
ООО "Призма"
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 30.06.14 am30 10:39Sent 30.06.14 am30 10:39Received on 03.07.14 am31 10:38 (Lots No. 1, No. 2, No. 5, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10, No. 11, No. 12, No. 13)
Signed with digital signature
ООО "Рынок земли"
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 02.07.14 pm31 20:04Sent 02.07.14 pm31 20:04Received on 02.07.14 pm31 20:22 (Lots No. 1, No. 2, No. 10, No. 11, No. 12, No. 13)
Signed with digital signature
ООО "СмолГеоТехПроекТ"
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 23.06.14 am30 11:19Sent 23.06.14 am30 11:19Received on 02.07.14 pm31 19:41 (Lots No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 6, No. 7, No. 11, No. 12, No. 13)
Signed with digital signature
ООО "Спецрегионпроект"
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 17.06.14 am30 11:08Sent 17.06.14 am30 11:08,
last at 18.06.14 am30 11:13
Received on 26.06.14 pm30 14:59 (Lots No. 2, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10)
Signed with digital signature
ООО ЦПИП "Генезис-Центр"
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 02.07.14 pm31 12:17Sent 02.07.14 pm31 12:17Received on 03.07.14 am31 11:09 (Lots No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 6, No. 7, No. 10, No. 11, No. 12, No. 13)
Signed with digital signature
ПАО «МБКР»09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 02.07.14 pm31 15:21Sent 02.07.14 pm31 15:21Received on 02.07.14 pm31 16:26 (Lots No. 2, No. 11, No. 12, No. 13)
Signed with digital signature
ФГБУ «Рослесинфорг»09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 02.07.14 pm31 22:31Sent 02.07.14 pm31 22:31Received on 02.07.14 pm31 22:52 (Lots No. 4, No. 5, No. 8, No. 9, No. 10, No. 11)
Signed with digital signature
ФГУП "Ростехинвентаризация - Федеральное БТИ" (г. Белгород)09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 26.06.14 pm30 14:15Sent 26.06.14 pm30 14:15Received on 02.07.14 am31 10:31 (Lot No. 1)
Signed with digital signature
ФГУП "Ростехинвентаризация - Федеральное БТИ" (г. Орел)09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 30.06.14 am30 10:08Sent 30.06.14 am30 10:08Received on 30.06.14 am30 11:44 (Lots No. 8, No. 9)
Signed with digital signature
ФГУП "Ростехинвентаризация –Федеральное БТИ" (г. Смоленск)09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 27.06.14 pm30 14:50Sent 27.06.14 pm30 14:50Received on 01.07.14 pm31 14:03 (Lot No. 10)
Signed with digital signature
ФГУП "Ростехинвентаризация-Федеральное БТИ" (г. Липецк)09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 03.07.14 am31 10:18Sent 03.07.14 am31 10:18Received on 03.07.14 am31 11:03 (Lots No. 6, No. 7)
Signed with digital signature
ФГУП "Ростехинвентаризация-Федеральное БТИ" (г. Тверь)09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 02.07.14 pm31 22:28Sent 02.07.14 pm31 22:28Received on 02.07.14 pm31 23:23 (Lot No. 11)
Signed with digital signature
ФГУП "Ростехинвентаризация-Федеральное БТИ", Курский филиал09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 27.06.14 am30 10:39Sent 27.06.14 am30 10:39Received on 02.07.14 pm31 22:33 (Lot No. 5)
Signed with digital signature
Ярославский филиал ФГУП "Ростехинвентаризация- Федеральное БТИ"09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 02.07.14 pm31 16:44Sent 02.07.14 pm31 16:44Received on 03.07.14 am31 09:51 (Lots No. 12, No. 13)
Signed with digital signature
АО "Средневолжское АГП"09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 10.06.14 am30 07:49Sent 10.06.14 am30 07:49,
last at 18.06.14 am30 11:13
ООО "ВЕКТОР"09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 27.06.14 pm30 15:18Sent 27.06.14 pm30 15:18N/A
09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 11.06.14 am30 10:14Sent 11.06.14 am30 10:14,
last at 18.06.14 am30 11:13
ФГУП "Ростехинвентаризация" Федеральное БТИ (г. Воронеж)09.06.14 pm30 17:10Involved on 26.06.14 am30 10:32Sent 26.06.14 am30 10:32N/A

Extract from the Protocol of the competitive commission № 1177-ИА-14-4 from 10.09.2014 г., г. Москва

Decision of the competitive commission:

  1. For Lot No. 1 the Customer shall accept the proposal from the Supplier АО "Воронежское АГП" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 23 010 000,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT: 19 500 000,00 RUB).
  2. For Lot No. 2 the Customer shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "БИНОМ" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 11 488 700,00 RUB (VAT free).
  3. For Lot No. 3 the Customer shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "ГвинГрейс" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 29 335 620,00 RUB (VAT free).
  4. For Lot No. 4 the Customer shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "НПП "Инженер" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 18 900 000,00 RUB (VAT free).
  5. For Lot No. 5 the Customer shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "ГвинГрейс" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 25 048 220,00 RUB (VAT free).
  6. For Lot No. 6 the Customer shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "ГвинГрейс" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 14 362 700,00 RUB (VAT free).
  7. For Lot No. 7 the Customer shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "ГвинГрейс" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 15 374 410,00 RUB (VAT free).
  8. For Lot No. 8 the Customer shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "БИНОМ" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 5 540 523,56 RUB (VAT free).
  9. For Lot No. 9 the Customer shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "БИНОМ" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 5 522 336,44 RUB (VAT free).
  10. For Lot No. 10 the Customer shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "БИНОМ" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 9 500 000,00 RUB (VAT free).
  11. For Lot No. 11 the Customer shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "БИНОМ" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 17 500 000,00 RUB (VAT free).
  12. For Lot No. 12 the Customer shall accept the proposal from the Supplier АО "Воронежское АГП" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 17 729 877,60 RUB (price excl. of VAT: 15 025 320,00 RUB).
  13. For Lot No. 13 the Customer shall accept the proposal from the Supplier ООО "Геоком" and enter into an Agreement for the final price 17 753 477,60 RUB (price excl. of VAT: 15 045 320,00 RUB).