Lot No. 1 of RFQ № 1354480
The right to enter into an Agreement for the provision of services for surveying the bottom topography in the water area of the Sabetta seaport, the Sea Canal, the dredging area of the LNG terminal and SGC Morning

Price / offer (show both prices)CompanyDate Sorted by descendingBid No.
6 150 000,00 RUB (Price incl. VAT)

Signed with e-signature
Fort XXI Ltd
Dunchevskaia S.V.
08.10.2019 18:05:107952946
4 600 000,00 RUB (VAT free)

Signed with e-signature
Mortikov A.F.
08.10.2019 13:18:327939989
5 459 970,00 RUB (Price incl. VAT)

Signed with e-signature
Kabanov A.E.
08.10.2019 12:45:327949707
5 879 988,00 RUB (Price incl. VAT)

Signed with e-signature
Ptakhin S.A.
07.10.2019 12:43:017942579