Lot No. 1 Tender № 1104292
The right to conclude a contract for the supply of solenoid valves

Date of announcing rebidding 22.11.2018 at 14:46
Start date of rebidding 22.11.2018 at 14:46
End date of rebidding 27.11.2018 at 09:00
Deadline for documents submission for rebidding 27.11.2018 at 09:00
Moscow Time is set by default

Price / offer (show both prices)CompanyDate Sorted by descendingBid No.
The best offer
24 496 560,00 RUB (Price incl. VAT)

Bids submitted during rebidding
Bid submitted for rebidding
Signed with e-signature
Buinova A.S.
26.11.2018 16:17:076582238
23 316 480,00 RUB (Price incl. VAT)

Bids submitted during rebidding
Bid submitted for rebidding
Signed with e-signature
"Corporation of JSC "ESKM", RLS Subbota E.D.26.11.2018 15:22:136526985
27 720 000,00 RUB (Price incl. VAT)

Bid is admitted to rebidding
Signed with e-signature
"Stroitekh" OOO
Aksenov V.A.
05.11.2018 16:52:396583897
28 274 400,00 RUB (Price incl. VAT)

Signed with e-signature
AO "ARMALIT" Bondarenko I.A. (inactive)02.11.2018 11:23:016488735
29 304 000,00 RUB (Price incl. VAT)

Signed with e-signature
LLC «Tehnoproekt» Reshetnikova E.B.02.11.2018 09:15:076576870