Lot No. 1 Tender № 993256
the right of conclusion of the supply contract for lot 12406/26 Kur1, 2-18 «supply kit of valves for the steam Chamber construction of units 1 and 2 of the Kursk nuclear power plant-2»

This call for bids is archived
Participation in bidding is no longer possible. You may wish to check similar calls for bids currently available

Purchasing items:
1. Fast reduction setting reset steam into the atmosphere (8 шт), Price: 12 739 525,44 RUB (price excl. of VAT: 10 796 208,00 RUB) per unit
2. Fast shut-shut-off valve with pointers provisions (8 шт), Price: 28 771 873,92 RUB (price excl. of VAT: 24 382 944,00 RUB) per unit
3. Chief safety valve ISP PG with position indicator (8 шт), Price: 14 553 387,81 RUB (price excl. of VAT: 12 333 379,50 RUB) per unit
4. Main safety valve ISP PG with position indicator (8 шт), Price: 14 553 387,81 RUB (price excl. of VAT: 12 333 379,50 RUB) per unit
5. Blade gate valve after PILE before the Gate Drive (8 шт), Price: 11 628 046,86 RUB (price excl. of VAT: 9 854 277,00 RUB) per unit
6. BRU-a (8 шт), Price: 10 498 480,06 RUB (price excl. of VAT: 8 897 017,00 RUB) per unit
Show more 1 item (purchased total 6 items)
Initial lot price:741 957 615,20 RUB
Date published:
Bid submission deadline:29.10.2018 12:00 (was extended by 6 month, 2 week, 1 day)
Bid opening date:29.10.2018 12:00
Bid evaluation date:18.01.2019
Results announcement date:28.01.2019
Last edited:21.12.2018 16:47
Responsible person:Guliaev Maksim (inactive)
Customer name:JSC"AES"
Customer's contact details:Location:Pl. Svobody, 3, Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizhegorodskaya oblast, Russia, 3Postal address:Pl. Svobody, 3, Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizhegorodskaya oblast, Russia, 603006"
Tax ID:5260214123
Tax Registration Reason Code:526001001
Additional info
Belonging with SMEs:Not defined
Evaluation criteria:1. Contract price;
2. Participant's qualification;
2.1. Experience party procurement procedures;
3. the experience of the original equipment manufacturer.
Possibility of holding a rebidding:Yes
Contract conclusion date:15.02.2019
Документация по лоту:Not uploaded
Payment terms:in accordance with part. 3 "draft Treaty" tender documentation
Delivery terms:, the Russian Federation, Kursk oblast, the city of Kurchatov, the territory of PROMZONE NPP
Date and time of bids evaluation:18.01.2019 23:59
Venue of bidding:This call for bids is held in electronic form on the e-marketplace of B2B-Center group (www.b2b-center.ru). Bids shall be submitted in the form of e-document.
Bid documentation provision procedure:Bid documentation in electronic form is available free of charge at B2B-Center marketplace (www.b2b-center.ru) starting from the date a call for bids is published.
Bid security
Security amount:Tender security is required in the amount of 3710000.00 rubles
Security form:Monetary funds,
Irrevocable bank guarantee
Contract performance security
Security amount:Требуется обеспечение исполнения договора в размере 5.00 %. Срок предоставления после заключения договора, в срок не позднее 15 дней с даты его заключения
Security form:Monetary funds,
Irrevocable bank guarantee,
Surety or independent guarantee
Advance payment return security
Security form:Monetary funds,
Irrevocable bank guarantee,
Surety or independent guarantee
Security amount:Требуется обеспечение исполнения гарантийных обязательств в размере 5.00%
Security form:Monetary funds,
Irrevocable bank guarantee,
Surety or independent guarantee
E-signature info:Signed with e-signature

This call for bids is archived
Participation in bidding is no longer possible. You may wish to check similar calls for bids currently available
  Submit a question
Suspension date: 26.04.2018 at 17:46
Comments: The procedure was suspended due to the acceptance of the participant's complaint for consideration.
Complaint registration number: 1
Receipt date: 25.04.2018
Maximum consideration period: 03.05.2018
Decision justification files:
Resumption date: 04.05.2018 at 15:24
Decision justification files:

Suspension date: 08.06.2018 at 09:27
Comments: The procedure was suspended due to the acceptance of the participant's complaint for consideration.
Complaint registration number: 7554
Receipt date: 07.06.2018
Maximum consideration period: 21.06.2018
Decision justification files:
Resumption date: 05.07.2018 at 17:28
Decision justification files:

Suspension date: 13.12.2018 at 15:48
Comments: The procedure was suspended due to the acceptance of the participant's complaint for consideration.
Complaint registration number: 8060
Receipt date: 12.12.2018
Maximum consideration period: 26.12.2018
Decision justification files:
Signed with e-signature

Resumption date: 21.12.2018 at 16:48
Signed with e-signature

Suspension date: 30.01.2019 at 12:46
Comments: The procedure was suspended due to the acceptance of the participant's complaint for consideration.
Complaint registration number: 8182
Receipt date: 29.01.2019
Maximum consideration period: 11.02.2019
Decision justification files:
Signed with e-signature

Resumption date: 06.02.2019 at 15:06
Decision justification files:
Signed with e-signature

Latest submitted bids
Status of bidding: archived.
Price / offerCompany / Date Sorted by descending
741 954 736,00 RUB (Price incl. VAT)

Signed with e-signature
PAO "Izhorskie zavody" Davydov S.Iu.
29.10.2018 11:42:34
741 957 615,20 RUB (Price incl. VAT)

Signed with e-signature
JSC "RUSPOLYMET" Pankratov D.Iu.
29.10.2018 11:20:05
669 495 467,86 RUB (Price incl. VAT)

Signed with e-signature
AO \"KONTsERN TITAN-2\" Karmalita D.V. (inactive)
29.10.2018 10:48:06
734 998 872,00 RUB (Price incl. VAT)

Signed with e-signature
Zubacheva A.S.
29.10.2018 10:09:03
741 956 152,00 RUB (Price incl. VAT)

Signed with e-signature
29.10.2018 09:51:59
738 247 789,60 RUB (Price incl. VAT)

Signed with e-signature
"Corporation of JSC "ESKM", RLS Subbota E.D.
29.10.2018 09:00:55
Total: 6. More >>