Request for Tenders No. 2807244 
The right to conclude a contract for the provision of information services for the reference legal system "ConsultantPlus" for the needs of the Branch of JSC "SO UES" Orenburg RDU

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The right to conclude a contract for the provision of information services for the reference legal system "ConsultantPlus" for the needs of the Branch of JSC "SO UES" Orenburg RDU

Procurement method (according to the procurement regulations):Конкурс в электронной форме
Lot No. 1 The right to conclude a contract for the provision of information services for the reference legal system "ConsultantPlus" for the needs of the Branch of JSC "SO UES" Orenburg RDU
Initial (maximum) contract price:512 956,80 RUB
Date published:
Bids (part 1) opening date:22.11.2021 09:00
Bids (part 2) opening date:22.11.2021 09:00
Bid submission deadline:22.11.2021 09:00
Delivery time:2022 Year
Last edited:01.11.2021 07:18
Organizer (Initiator):AO "SO EES"
Customer's postal address:г. Москва, Китайгородский проезд, д. 7, стр. 3
Customer's location:109074, г. Москва, Китайгородский проезд, д. 7, стр. 3
Contact email
Customer's contact phone number:+7 (343) 359-23-37
Additional info
Call for bids subject to Federal Law No. 223-FZ:Yes
Competitive purchase
Процедура проводится с соблюдением требований статей 3.2 - 3.3 223-ФЗ
Supplier should not be recorded in the register of mala fide suppliers
The Organizer has set a requirement as to the supplier's not being recorded in the register of mala fide suppliers. Supplier's compliance with this requirement shall be checked by the Organizer on their own.
Tender committee:Закупочная комиссия Филиала АО «СО ЕЭС» ОДУ Урала, созданная приказом Филиала АО «СО ЕЭС» ОДУ Урала от 11.10.2019 № 245
Requirements to the bidders:Any legal entity or individual entrepreneur can participate in the competition. Bidders who have offered the best conditions for the execution of the Contract and meet the following requirements can claim to win the competition:

a) compliance of the Bidder with the requirements established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for persons performing the obligations that are the subject of the Contract;

b) failure to liquidate the Participant of the tender - a legal entity and the absence of a decision of the arbitration court on the recognition of the Participant of the tender - a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur as bankrupt and on the opening of bankruptcy proceedings;

c) non-suspension of the activities of the Participant of the tender in accordance with the procedure provided for by the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation on the day of submission of the Tender Application;

d) submission of the information provided for in clause 5.1.4 of the Tender Documentation;

e) the absence of arrears on taxes, fees, arrears on other mandatory payments to the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation (with the exception of amounts for which a deferral, installment, investment tax credit has been granted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, which have been restructured in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, for which there is a court decision that has entered into force recognizing the applicant's obligation to pay these amounts fulfilled or which are recognized as hopeless for collection in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees) for the past calendar year, the amount of which exceeds 25% (twenty-five percent) of the book value of the assets of the Bidder, according to the accounting statements for the last reporting period. The participant of the tender is considered to comply with the established requirement if he has filed an application for appeal of the specified arrears, arrears in accordance with the established procedure and a decision on such an application has not been made on the date of consideration of the application for participation in the determination of the supplier (contractor, contractor);

f) the absence of information about the Participant of the tender in the register of unscrupulous suppliers provided for in Article 5 of Federal Law No. 223-FZ of 18.07.2011 "On Procurement of goods, Works, services by Certain Types of legal Entities" and (or) in the register of Unscrupulous suppliers provided for by Federal Law No. 44-FZ of 05.04.2013 "On the contract system in the procurement of goods, works, services for State and Municipal Needs";

g) the absence of a criminal record for crimes in the field of economics and (or) crimes provided for in Articles 289, 290, 291, 291.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (with the exception of persons who have such a criminal record extinguished or removed), as well as the non–application of punishment against these individuals in the form of deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities that are related to the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services that are the subject of procurement, and administrative punishment in the form of disqualifications;

h) the absence of facts of bringing within 2 (two) years prior to the submission of the bidder's application – a legal entity to administrative responsibility for committing an administrative offense provided for in Article 19.28 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;

i) the Participant's possession of rights in relation to the result of intellectual activity (the ConsultantPlus reference legal system), which, in accordance with the current legislation, are necessary for him to provide services under the Contract.
Tender documentation package:Конкурсная документация находится в открытом доступе, начиная с даты официальной публикации на Электронной площадке и в Единой информационной системе. Порядок получения Конкурсной документации на Электронной площадке определяется правилами данной Электронной площадки.
Конкурсная документация предоставляется без взимания платы в форме электронного документа
Tender bids:Для участия в конкурсе необходимо подать Конкурсную заявку, подготовленную в порядке, оговоренном в Конкурсной документации, в электронном виде через Электронную площадку.
Contract award criteria:The participant of the tender, whose Tender application (final offer) meets the requirements established by this Tender Documentation, and whose Tender application (final offer), based on the results of the comparison of Tender applications (final offers) on the basis of the evaluation criteria specified in the Tender Documentation, contains the best conditions for the performance of the Contract.
Contract conclusion date:The contract based on the results of the competition between the Customer and the Winner of the competition is concluded no earlier than 10 (Ten) days and no later than 20 (Twenty) days from the date of posting in the unified information system of the final protocol drawn up according to the results of the competition.
The contract is concluded in writing by drawing up a single document signed by the parties.
Place of bid consideration:620000, г. Екатеринбург, ул. Карла Либкнехта, д.5
Date and time of bids evaluation:25.11.2021 12:00
Date and time of announcement of results:25.11.2021 15:00
Venue of announcement of results:620000, г. Екатеринбург, ул. Карла Либкнехта, д.5
Venue of bidding:This call for bids is held in electronic form on the e-marketplace of B2B-Center group ( Bids shall be submitted in the form of e-document.
Procurement documents provision procedure:Procurement documents in electronic form are available free of charge at B2B-Center marketplace ( starting from the date of publication of the procurement procedure.
Additional information about the tender:– дата начала оказания услуг – 01.01.2022;
– дата окончания оказания услуг – 31.12.2022.
Additional fields
Контактное лицо:
E-signature info:Signed with e-signature
  Obtain bank guarantee

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Results reports
Протокол вскрытия 1-х частей заявок
Download file Протокол_открытия_доступа_конкурса_2807244.pdf (309 Kb)
Bid evaluation bid part 2 evaluation report
Download file Протокол_рассмотрения заявок на участие в конкурсе_2807244.pdf (303 Kb)
Final results report
Download file Протокол_подведения итогов конкурса_2807244.pdf (300 Kb)
Submitted bids
Status: archived.
Total: 1