Request for Proposals No. 907490 
repairs on furnaces No. 2 TSO No. 1 Inv. No. 2310 to translate kiln No. 2 TSO No. 1 from 8 to 9 cameras fire.

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repairs on furnaces No. 2 TSO No. 1 Inv. No. 2310
to translate kiln No. 2 TSO No. 1 from 8 to 9 cameras fire.
, see technical specification and accompanying documentation (Complex service)

Quantity:1 шт.
Total price:Price not specified
Contract award criteria:price excl. of VAT (show both prices)
Publication date:
Bid submission deadline:01.11.2017 21:00
Last edited:01.11.2017 16:18
Organizer (Initiator):El 6 Novocherkassk
Additional info
Per-item bid submission:Not applicable. Proposal shall cover the entire lot.
Restriction on submission of a bid higher than previously submitted
Bidding initiator has set a restriction on submission of a bid with a price which is higher than the price of the previous bid submitted by the bidder. Once the bid is submitted, the stated price can not be increased.
If within the last 30 minutes of bid submission period a new bid is submitted, then bid submission deadline will automatically be extended by 30 minutes from the time the last bid is submitted.
30 minutes
Payment terms:monthly, within 30 (thirty) days after the date of
the results of the work, provided that the work is done properly and at the agreed time. The work shall be deemed to be fulfilled after the signing by the parties of the Act of acceptance of the executed works (form COP-2) and information about the cost of work performed and costs (form COP-3).
Delivery terms:1. Application of OJSC "EPM-NJeZ". Novocherkassk
11. Place of work: Customer area (EPM-NJeZ ").
12. Object (technical)
Industrial oven closed, zaglubljonnaja at all at full height, periodic action, designed for roasting pressed blanks. Furnace consists of cameras located in close proximity to each other and are connected by channels. The main element of the oven is a camera, divided into 5th cassettes. The Chambers are made of fireclay brick stamps Sha (SHAK), wall cassettes are made of shaped refractory fireclay bricks. When connecting the camera work are covered with removable vaults. Arch camera is a metal frame, fibrous insulating mulitokremnezjomistymi ^ blocks. Chimney is designed for tap of gases from the kiln Chambers.
13. The purpose of the execution of works:
Translate kiln No. 2 TSO No. 1 from 8 to 9 cameras fire.

14. List and volume of work performed: in TK
15. Application: Technical documentation (drawings) for access provided drawings of common species.
16. Requirement to the Executive Director:
16.1. Repairs on furnaces No. 2 TSO No. 1 Inv. No. 2310 to kiln No. 2 TSO No. 1 from 8 to 9 cameras fire-from customer's material. 7.2. Working in an operating business. The enterprise operation mode 24/7. 7.3 May impact hazards: dust, gas, work at height. 7.4. ERP development, PPR and technological cards on all necessary work-within a period of not more than
17. calendar days after the announcement of the winner of the competition procedure.
7.5. Artist must have the necessary production and human qualified
resources to carry out this work. Have a certified Manager, ENGINEERS and workers
industrial safety, as well as the availability of medical admission
7.6. The presence of these types of tras works.
7.7. The availability of machines and mechanisms to accomplish the whole complex of works.
7.8. Executive staff must have and use personal protective equipment.
7.9. In the case of observations to the staff on the quality of work performed, equipment
security, as well as violations of administrative nature, at the request of the specialists
The customer must immediately replace Executive data workers.
7.10. Not qualitatively work should be altered due to the Executive Director and
To the customer.
7.11. placing laborers employed in the execution of the work produces.
The customer, if given the opportunity, can hold a job placement contract
7.12. Development and approval of line graph repair oven-within a period of not more than
18. calendar days after the announcement of the winner of the competition procedure.

19. Payment terms: monthly, within 30 (thirty) days after the date of
the results of the work, provided that the work is done properly and at the agreed time. The work shall be deemed to be fulfilled after the signing by the parties of the Act of acceptance of the executed works (form COP-2) and information about the cost of work performed and costs (form COP-3).
20. Turnaround time: 01.11.2017-30.11.2018 g. Start of work agreed with the customer additionally.
21. Warranty work performed: 12 months with work performance.
22. Furnace repair is carried out on the existing furnace, fire. Schedule repair shop agreed with (TSO) and factory services (mind, EC).
23. The list of documents provided in OTPB JeGOiChS to decorate dresses-tolerances for production work by contractors:
1. Copy of certificate (SRO) to perform this type of work.
2. Copies of the briefings on occupational safety and health training log.
4. Copies of certification work on occupational safety and health.
5. Copies of identity certification ITR on labour protection and the General requirements of industrial safety. When doing work on gas receptacles, working under pressure, using GMP, lifts (towers), electrical systems, conducting fire works-copies of certificates for each type of work.
6. Medical admission personnel.
7. Copies of certificates gazojelektrosvarshhikov, Slingers, operators of cranes, lifts (towers). For gazojelektrosvvarshhikov-copy protocols for fire technical minimum.
Prior to the registration of attire-the admission of all contractor employees, including managers, are required to undergo induction training in OTPB JeGOiChS (you have a document confirming identity and age). The work, all employees must have certified clothes, footwear and other personal protection equipment necessary to perform this type of work.
In the case of any document expiration outfit-admission is not provided prior to the granting of the new instrument.
13. Note:
- Delivery of material from the warehouses of OJSC "EPM-NJeZ" to the place of exportation oshlakovavshegosja refractory bricks on the storage pad located on the territory of JSC "EPM-NJeZ" (garbage collection for distances up to 2 km away-in the technical specifications) shall be carried out transport customer.
- Garbage disposal of all categories, industrial waste reception landfills outside the territory of OJSC "EPM-NJeZ" (garbage collection at a distance of 7 km. to 30 km) is carried out by the transport provided by the employer, upon request of the Executive Director.
- Garbage disposal costs for all categories of industrial waste reception landfills outside the territory of OJSC "EPM-NJeZ" is carried out at the expense of the customer.
Georeferencing:346413, Russia, Rostov region, Novocherkassk, Aluminum platform
Venue of bidding:This call for bids is held in electronic form on the e-marketplace of B2B-Center group ( Bids shall be submitted in the form of e-document.
Additional fields
E-signature info:Signed with e-signature

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Status of bidding: archived.
Organizer's decision:
The Organizer has announced the results on 26.02.2018 at 17:51
and declared the call for bids void.
Notifications have been sent to bidders.
Total bids: 3. More >>