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E-Procurement Center
Request for Quotations No. 3642105 Competitive bidding process for veterinary drugs for the needs of the East Siberian Pig Complex (Equivalents ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE!!!)
Eleovit 100 ml/Helsivit 100ml
Klim Thermo/Neotherm
No. | Lot No. | Name | Срок поставки начало | Срок поставки окончание | Условия поставки | Описание | Условия оплаты | Адрес поставки | Комментарий | Quantity | Unit of measure | Per unit price (show both prices) | Total limit price (show both prices) | Number of bidders |
1 | 1 | Элеовит 100 мл | 22.04.2024 | 26.04.2024 | Postavka soglasno grafika | — | 60 kalendarnykh dnei otsrochka | Respublika Buriatiia, Zaigraevskii raion, selo Ust'-Brian', svinokompleks nakhoditsia v 5 km ot sela. | Eleovit 100ml/Khelsivit 100ml | 200 | флак | 335,00 RUB (price incl. VAT) | 67 000,00 RUB (amount including VAT, VAT: 10%) | 3 |
2 | 2 | Клим Термо | 22.04.2024 | 26.04.2024 | Postavka soglasno grafika | — | 60 kalendarnykh dnei otsrochka | Respublika Buriatiia, Zaigraevskii raion, selo Ust'-Brian', svinokompleks nakhoditsia v 5 km ot sela. | Klim Termo/Neoterm | 600 | л | 250,00 RUB (price incl. VAT) | 150 000,00 RUB (amount including VAT, VAT: 10%) | 2 |