Request for Proposals No. 1189299 
Execution of cadastral works: Lot 1 Survey of technical condition of real estate objects as objects of auxiliary use and preparation of technical conclusion on real estate objects on the territory of Gubkinsky District, Chernyan District,...

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OKPD2 category:
Total price:Price not specified
Contract award criteria:Price incl. VAT (show both prices)
Publication date:
Bid submission deadline:25.02.2019 17:26 (was extended by 26 min, 12 sec)
Last edited:18.02.2019 14:38
Organizer (Initiator):\"RUSAGRO-INVEST\" OOO
Additional info
Per-item bid submission
Bidders can submit their proposals for certain lots of the call for bids, but necessarily for all the items within a selected lot
Not applicable. Proposal shall cover all the items of the selected lots
Restriction on submission of a bid higher than previously submitted
Bidding initiator has set a restriction on submission of a bid with a price which is higher than the price of the previous bid submitted by the bidder. Once the bid is submitted, the stated price can not be increased.
Upload of bid-related documents required
Bids not supported with documentation will not be considered.
If within the last 30 minutes of bid submission period a new bid is submitted, then bid submission deadline will automatically be extended by 30 minutes from the time the last bid is submitted.
30 minutes
Payment terms:According to the requirements of the "Rusagro" GC: 100% deferred payment within 30 banking days from the date of signing of the acts of executed works by the parties. In case of advance payment of more than 1 000 000 rubles with VAT, the supplier/contractor must provide a bank guarantee in the top-10 banks on the basis of the CBR rating. For confirmation it is necessary to support a letter from the Bank on readiness to provide a bank guarantee for the amount of advance payment.
Delivery terms:the period of performance of works in accordance with the requirements of TK. In case of unwillingness to perform works in the stated terms, specify the time of performance of works.
Georeferencing:Russia, Belgorod region,
Venue of bidding:This call for bids is held in electronic form on the e-marketplace of B2B-Center group ( Bids shall be submitted in the form of e-document.
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Status of bidding: archived.
Total bids: 5. More >>